Q: How do I take a picture of my farm?
A: To take a picture of your entire farm (aerial) or zoomed in portion of your farm, first get the desired position of your farm. Then, press your keyboard’s “Function” (FN) key, plus the “Print Screen” (PRT SCN) key. You can easily copy/paste this into an editing program if you need to crop your picture. A simple program such as Microsoft Paint will work for this and will also allow you to save your farm as a picture, JPEG is preferred when sending in any submissions for Rocking Farm of the Week.
Q: How do you get 3-D fences, haybales or other objects?
A: This 3-D effect is known as the “Stacking” technique and is really just an optical illusion achieved by specific and careful placing of objects to make them appear like they are 3-D.
Q: How long does it take for my crops to wither?
A: Each Crop has specific growing times that are associated with its withering time. A crop will wither if you do not harvest it within the time frame relative to its growing time. For example, Strawberries require 4 hours to grow, so they will start to wither approximately 4 hours after they have ripened and are ready to harvest. To find out each Crop’s Growing/Withering Time check out each specific seed in the FarmVille Market. Each Crop will display the time it takes for it to harvest, which will also be the time it takes for it to wither after it has ripened.
Q: How do I get FarmVille Cash or FV$?
A: Currently the only ways to add more FV$ instantly is to purchase additional farm cash with a Credit Card or PayPal account. The offers and surveys are no longer available due to controversial and misleading content.
Q: How long is a day in FarmVille?
A: A day in FarmVille is approximately 23 hours.
Q: While I was tending to my farm, I saw Golden Coins falling across the screen, how do I get them?
A: The Golden Coins are a random event in FarmVille. It can happen while you are plowing, planting, or harvesting. You do not need to do anything to get them or try to catch them because you will automatically receive 100 coins from each Golden Coin event.
If you have additional questions about FarmVille that you do not see here, we will try our best to answer them. You may contact us Here . However, you should not contact us for technical support, billing, or specific problems with your FarmVille account. We are not Zynga and we are not affiliated with Zynga so we will not be able to help you with any of these problems. FarmRockers Are Just fans dedicated to FarmVille.